Business Agility

Organizations adapt quickly to market changes

“Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”



How long does it take your organization to validate a business hypothesis? How quickly can you test an idea, discover that it doesn’t work, and move to the next one?

The essence of Business Agility is reacting to change cost-effectively. Organizations that continuously practice Business Agility gain internal mutual trust between all elements of the value chain. But further, they gain the chance to continuously be the leaders in their market. By building  small experiments and small delivery chunks a culture of learning and of safety is being constructed. 


For almost two decades our coaching teams have been working with business departments in various organizations across industries, undergoing digital transformation or a disruption in their markets. We’ve seen magic happen


Business Agility transformation aligns value chains to serve the customers with minimal wait time and minimal waste – from business through R&D to production to operations. Silos are gradually dismantled. The organization becomes a rapid-delivery machine which learns how to identify and remove  impediments. A “can do” spirit is formed. Suddenly, managers praise their ability to focus on true business priorities. 


Our recommendation to large organizations wishing to improve their Business Agility, is to think big, but act in small, valuable steps. Focus on what not to do. Above all – Business Agility initiatives must be given highest priority – your door as a CEO and top-level management must be open to cross-enterprise teams sprinting to achieve their goals.


Dr. Agile can work with you on piloting a business agility journey pilot in one of your high priority value chains end to end. Or have you already realized that your entire organization should shift in that direction? We’re here to share our experience with you and guide you to the Business Agility path that prominent industry players have taken.


Let's talk Business Agility. Our coaches can help you identify and gradually remove the organizational barriers to streamline the flow of value to your customers.